차차 강하게 영어로
- 차차: 차차 [次次]1 [조금씩] gradually; by
- 강하게: strongly; considerably; forcefully; no matter
- 강하게: strongly; considerably; forcefully; no matter what; resoundingly; inarguably; by all means; without fail; deffo; resolutely
- 강하게 하다: intensify; strengthen; harden
- 을 강하게 치다: belabor
- 바람이 강하게 불고 있다: Run with the Wind
- 완강하게 반항하는: incalcitrant; recalcitrant; truculent; renitent
- 완강하게 반항하다: recalcitrate
- 완강하게 주장하다: stickle
- 을 강하게 의식하는: conscious
- 일본을 건강하게 하는 모임: Assembly to Energize Japan
- 차차: 차차 [次次]1 [조금씩] gradually; by degrees; bit by bit; little by little; step by step; by inches; [점점] increasingly; growingly; more and more(더하여); less and less(덜하여). ~ 더워지다[추워지다] be getting warmer[cold
- 강하: 강하 [降下] falling; dropping; a drop; descent; (기압의) depression. 급~ nose diving / a nose dive. 기온의 ~ a drop in (the) temperature. ~하다 fall; drop; descend; glide down; [착륙하다] land. 고도 1천 피트까지 ~하다 descen
- 차차차: 차차차 『樂』 a cha-cha(-cha). ~를 추다 cha-cha / dance the cha-cha.
- 건강하고 넉넉하게 보이는: well liking